PT Sonton Food Indonesia Ready To Grab Food Manufacturing Industry Market In Quarter 1-2016

08 Okt 2015

Having previously held a groundbreaking ceremony (ground breaking ceremony) in Cikarang on October 17, 2014 last, factory PT Sonton Food Indonesia (SFI) has now been completed and will enter a period of trial production is planned to be ready for operation in the first quarter of 2016.

The trial production will be performed in the fourth quarter of 2015 to ensure that the results obtained from the R & D in line with the production machine while ensuring series production machine working properly before it finally made mass production early next year.

SFI is a joint venture between Japan Sonton Holdings (SHD) with PT Mahadana Dasha Utama (MahaDasha) engaged in manufacturing bread fillings with a target market of business-to-business (B2B). For MahaDasha which act as a counterweight Tiara Marga Trakindo business portfolio, entering the food manufacturing industry is nothing new, for it MahaDasha took SHD which has been established and serve the people of Japan for more than 70 years.

The factory which stands on an area of ​​30 136 square meters has a design with the overall support facilities that are designed to meet the standards of excellence a food manufacturing plant. SFI’s vision to become one of the food companies manufacture calculated in Indonesia is reflected in the commitment to maintain the quality of its products. The commitment is even been felt since we stepped into the lobby, the system entrance lobby are made of two layers and have the intersection prepared to minimize dust from outside air coming in. “The commitment SFI to deliver quality products prima not be doubted anymore, since the plant SFI Indonesia is a duplication factory Sonton Holdings in Japan so it can certainly meet all quality standards in Japan which is very tight”, said Anwar Sadat, General Manager of Finance & Administration SFI offend the quality of their products.

Not only that, the quality and kehigenisan products also supported by examination of microbes performed to check for the presence or absence of harmful microbes on every product produced, the use of River Osmosis (RO), which serves to manage the water that has a pH that is appropriate and suitable for consumption for production needs, installation of water pressure machine, and peletakanhand sanitizer and duster roller at each entrance to the area of ​​production, the supply of special footwear for visitors and workers during in manufacturing, to the installation of CCTV cameras at 32 points the factory area. Every stage of production as well as the elements that are in it fully controlled to provide the results of a quality product, the same as the one on plant Sonton Japan. Fulfillment of food safety standards are also applied to the use of SFI Sandwich Panel which is a special panel for the food manufacturing with an investment of not less.

Currently, most machinery production needs such as Filling Machine for Jam danFilling machine for custard has been imported directly from Japan and in the assembly process. Some other machines are still on the way and is expected to arrive in October and will be ready for use at the trial production phase. Capacity production machines owned SFI reach 800 kg per hour for each spread, jam and custard, this figure is obtained based on the maximum capacity of the machine.

In addition to quality, SFI also maintain their commitment to the environment by making sure their production activities did not negatively impact the environment. Although the waste generated SFI as food manufacturing is dominated by household waste compared to B3, but the SFI still take seriously their commitment to the environment. Various attempts were made to meet those commitments, ranging from the management of waste water by using Waste Water Treatment Plan, so that the waste water does not harm the SFI. Management of plastic waste, cardboard, and wood was done in collaboration with village-owned enterprises (BUMDes) through Coral Tarunanya. Not stopping on waste management alone, SFI also showed concern for the environment by being a company that is efficient in energy use, visible from the use of motion sensors on lights in some areas of the plant and the use of air conditioning split at some point the factory. (Rani)

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